I found this idea on flickr searching for wedding programs. I am not by any means a graphic designer or too familiar with adobe photoshop. Like most things though I am willing to try anything, and I think I am a quick learner. Maybe? So I found a photoshop tutorial on pop-art and I started messing around with some pictures. Some of my product wasn't the greatest, but by doing the tutorials I learned a lot about some new capabilities of photoshop. Oh how I love the internet! So I took some pictures of us and started making them into cartoons by recoloring them in photoshop. The next thing I did was start looking for some prices on 1-inch buttons. In the most unlikely of places I found a button maker--MySpace.com! There were actually several guys on there that make these buttons for bands. I was almost embarrassed to send them pictures for wedding favors to these bad-asses making buttons for bands. Think Father of the bride meets Heavy Metal. I Sucking up my pride and I contacted one of the guys and he told me how I needed to resize them and it was a pretty cut and dry process from there. I was totally THRILLED when I received these little buttons!

How did I package them you ask?
I bought 100 4x6 polybags off ebay
Next 1) I recolored the background of the picture of use together 2) created a new file the size of a postcard 3) Resized my picture to be on one half and then added a thank you note to the other half 4) Created a postcard at Vistaprint.com, and 5) simply folded the card in half and stapled the set together.
I now have a super awesome OOT favor.
Cost of Project: $00.46 per set
Did you find any ideas that you thought were just too cool not to incorporate into your wedding?